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Eternally Besought One
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The meaning of worship is this, that the servant sees his own faults, impotence. and poverty, and in the Divine Court prostrates in love and wonderment before Dominicial perfection, Divine mercy, and the power of the Eternally Besought One. That is to say, just as the sovereignty of Dominicality demands worship and obedience, so also does the holiness of Dominicality require that the servant sees his faults through seeking forgiveness, and through his glorifications and declaring Glory be to God proclaims that his Sustainer is pure and free of all defects, and exalted above and far from the false ideas of the people of misguidance, and hallowed and exempt from all the faults in the universe.
And the perfect power of Dominicality requires that through understanding his own weakness and the impotence of other creatures, the servant proclaims God is Most Great in admiration and wonder before the majesty of the works of the Eternally Besought One's power, and bowing in deep humility seeks refuge in Him and places his trust in Him.
And the infinite treasury of Dominicality's mercy requires that the servant makes known his own need and the needs and poverty of all creatures through the tongue of questioning and supplication, and proclaims his Sustainer's bounties and gifts through thanks and laudation and uttering All praise be to God. That is to say, the words and actions of the prayers comprise these meanings, and have been laid down from the side of Divinity.
Gönderen: 26.01.2004 - 14:39
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 Eternally Besought One
Devadam 26.01.2004 - 14:39
 Eternally Besought One
ENNUR 26.01.2004 - 17:55

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