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Trade Report
379 Mesaj -
The World Trade Report (WTR) takes up a number of key trade
policy issues facing the international trading system for
analysis and discussion. It seeks to deepen public
understanding of current trade policy issues and to
contribute to more informed consideration of the options
facing governments. The core topic in this year's report is
standards and international trade.

The first part of the report focuses on recent trends in
international trade development:
* the year 2004 saw impressive growth in trade, against a
background of strong output growth. At 9 per cent in real
terms export growth was twice as fast in 2004 as in 2003,
and the third highest over the last decade
* all regions shared in this expansion to a degree, but
2004 was a particularly good year for some commodity-
exporting developing countries, including some in Africa;
other regions that enjoyed strong trade performance were
South and Central America, Asia and the Commonwealth of
Independent States
* prospects for trade growth in 2005 are not as promising
as in 2004, but at a predicted real rate of 6.5 per cent,
trade would still expand faster than the average rate since
* downside risks in the world economy include the dampening
effect on economic activity of high oil prices, as well as
persistent sluggishness in some economies, and interest
rate and exchange rate volatility arising from imbalances in
* since 2000, growth in world exports of pharmaceutical
products has been four times stronger on average than the
equivalent figures for other chemical products and
manufactures as a whole.

The second part of the report focuses on this year's core
theme- standards and international trade:
* while national welfare in the standard-imposing country
will increase if a standard is well designed, global
welfare may not necessarily be improved as a consequence of
the trade effects of the standard
* in the case of local production externalities, it makes
sense to apply mandatory standards only to domestic
producers while applying voluntary standards to foreign
* in the case of global environmental externalities, it is
likely that no standard will ever be fully optimal since
individual countries will not take into account the effect
of their actions on other countries
* industries characterised by network externalities are
standards-intensive while technical regulations are
primarily focused on problems of information asymmetry
* standards do not significantly increase the costs of
large firms in OECD countries although smaller firms may
face greater difficulties. In the case of firms in
developing countries, the story is more complex - costs vary
enormously across countries and depend on a range of
* comparing the effectiveness of mutual recognition
with harmonisation in increasing trade flows, early
evidence based on the EU experience suggests that mutual
recognition has greater trade enhancing effects.

The report also features a number of shorter essays on
three other topics - the use of quantitative economic
analysis in WTO dispute settlement, international trade in
air transport services, and offshoring services.

Gönderen: 20.08.2005 - 14:08
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Devadam su an offline Devadam  
326 Mesaj -
Dear mortal body,

Do you want to emphasize something with regard to global economy?

Unfortunately I was not able to conceive your point...düsün
Gönderen: 23.08.2005 - 09:55
Bu Mesaji Bildir   Devadam üyenin diger mesajlarini ara Devadam üyenin Profiline bak Devadam üyeye özel mesaj gönder Devadam üyeyi arkadas listeme ekle Yukari
muhammedyldz su an offline muhammedyldz  
RE: What?
22 Mesaj -
Orijýnalý Devadam

Dear mortal body,

Do you want to emphasize something with regard to global economy?

Unfortunately I was not able to conceive your point...düsün

I think,dear bro just meant to emphasize a general information about economy.Thanks bro for the infoGüle Güle
Gönderen: 14.02.2006 - 19:29
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