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Andalusia su an offline Andalusia  
Konu icon    Christian Missionaries!
101 Mesaj -
In the name of Alaah the most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy

All praise is due to Allaah, Lord of the worlds. May peace and salutations be upon the Last Messenger of Allaah, and upon all those who follow him until the Last day.

i wanted to share this with you bothers and sisters..couple weeks ago i was approached by a christian missionarist at the university. He asked me wheather i wanted to join them, the aim was "studying the bible" according to him. I asked him which bible they would study,he answered me:it doesnt matter(!)?..i was like..oh..i made a joke like:Can i also tell you about the Quran..it seemed he had no problems with it..Finally i told him i would think about it. But later i realised this was not such a good idea because these people are really trained in converting people!..These people have studied islam ,the Quran much better than we did!..by distorting the facts they are trying to mislead you..No matter how firm u think u are of ur belief,they literally Pay people to accept you their Fallcies!..These christian missionaries are spread all over the world..and u can find them esspecially in the places where muslims are in poverty,sickness,just where people are in need of help etc...so,just an humble advise,be aware with it..i will give u a site where u can read more about their tactics to convert people..to accept their Big Lies,their distortions of the reality!...


Gönderen: 28.12.2004 - 02:02
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HakSairi su an offline HakSairi  
524 Mesaj -
Hope ALLAH will give us all enough knowlige to see the tues


Mesaj 1 kez düzenlendi. En son HakSairi tarafından, 28.12.2004 - 02:30 tarihinde.
Gönderen: 28.12.2004 - 02:30
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