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~DUA~ su an offline ~DUA~  
129 Mesaj -
The Holy Qur'an: Fear Allah
Posted on Wednesday, January 08 @ 10:08:52 GMT by id5.admin

Enes Ibn Malik reports that a Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allah and greeted him in the mosque. The Messenger of Allah asked him where he came from. The Bedouin said:" I came from far seeking answers to some questions". Our master told him to ask his questions":

I wish to be an intelligent man, what should I do?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Fear Allah".

I wish to be a loyal servant to Allah and do what He wants me to do?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Read the Qur'an"

I wish to be enlightened and have peace of heart?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Remember Death"

I wish to be protected against enemies?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Trust in Allah"

I wish to follow the Straight Path?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Do good to others for Allah's sake"

What should I do so that Allah does not abase me?
Holy Prophet Replied, " Do not respond to the desires of your flesh"

I wish to have a long life?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Praise and thank Allah"

I wish for prosperity?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Be in a state of ablution at all times"

How can I save myself from the hellfire?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Protect your eyes and your tongue and your hands and what is below your waistline against evil"

How can I cleanse myself from my sins?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Shed tears for what you have done and repent by undoing what you have done wrong"

I wish to be a respectable person?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Then, don't ask for anything from anybody"

I wish to be honorable?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Then don't divulge the wrong doings of anybody"

What should I do to protect myself from the tortures of the grave?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Recite the Surah Mulk"

What should one do to be rich?
Holy Prophet Replied, "Read the Surah Muzammil"

How should I calm my fear of the day of last judgment?
Holy Prophet Replied,"Remember Allah before you eat anything and before you sleep"

What should I do to feel the presence of Allah when I make my prayers?
Holy Prophet Replied,"Give the utmost care in taking your ablutions and in being clean and pure"
Gönderen: 26.08.2003 - 18:09
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Konu icon    I Fear Therefore I AM..
2338 Mesaj -
May Allah´s merci be upon you

The text is a very fine method to show our fellows, how great our Religion, our Holy Book (Qur´an), and our precious Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)is. And not to forget how great Our Allah is. How merciful "he" is how blessed we are to be on "his" way InshAllah..

I thank you so many times for your beautiful writing.

With all good wishes, FEAR ALLAH..
Gönderen: 16.11.2003 - 17:11
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