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The Sword of Allah

101 Mesaj -

Kayıt Tarihi: 15.12.2004
En Son On: 16.03.2005 - 14:29
Cinsiyeti: Bayan 
The Leader gallops ahead of the Muslims. A large, broad-shouldered, powerfully-built man, he is mounted on a magnificent Arab stallion and rides it as if he were part of the horse. The loose end of his turban and his cloak flutter behind him and his large, full beard is pressed against his chest by the wind. His fierce eyes shine with excitement-with the promise of battle and blood and glory- the glory of victory or martyrdom. His coat of mail and the iron tip of his long lance glint in the clear sunlight, and the earth trembles under the thundering hooves of his fiery charger. Perhaps beside him rides a slim young warrior, naked above the waist.

The visitor sees all this with the eyes of his mind. And with the ears of his mind he hears, just before the Mobile Guard hurls itself at the Romans in a shattering clash of steel and sinew, the roar of Allah-o-Akbar as it issues from the throats of the Faithful and rends the air. And rising out of this roar, he hears the piercing cry of the Leader:

I am the noble warrior;
I am the Sword of Allah
Khalid bin Al Waleed!

This is a piece from the book about Khalid ibn al waleed(the sword of Allah(Saifullah)..it's very beautiful described and surely worth to read..May Allah give His blessings to those who put effort on His way,the only path to salvation..for the whole book look at: http://www.swordofallah.com/html/bookhome.htm

Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu...
Ekleme Tarihi: 25.12.2004 - 17:02
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