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Lift The Veil

2338 Mesaj -

Kayıt Tarihi: 19.09.2003
En Son On: 03.08.2006 - 01:19
Cinsiyeti: ----- 
Lift The Veil

Lift the Veil ! They say, "Oh poor girl you're so beautiful you know ! It's a shame that you, cover-up your beauty so ! "
She just smiles so graciously, responds reassuringly: "This beauty that I have is just a simple part of me.
This body that I have, no stranger has a right to see.
These long clothes and shawl I wear, ensure my modesty, Faith is more essential than fashion, Wouldn't you agree ? " This hijab - This mark of piety !
Is an act of faith, the symbol, for all the world to see ! A simple cloth, to preserve her dignity !
So lift the veil from your heart, to see the heart of purity ! They tell her girl: "Don't you know this is the west and you are free ! You don't need to be oppressed, ashamed of your femininity !
" She just shakes her head and she speaks so assuredly: "See the billboards and the magazines, the lines in the checkout aisles; with their phoney painted faces, and their engrossed smiles.
With their sheer clothes and low-cut gowns they are really not for me !
You call it freedom - And I call it anarchy ! "
And This hijab - This mark of piety Is an act of faith, the symbol, for all the world to see !
A simple cloth, to preserve her dignity ! So lift the veil from your heart, to see the heart of purity !
A simple cloth, to preserve her dignity ! So lift the veil from your heart, to see the heart of purity !
So lift the veil from your heart and seek the heart of purity !
Ekleme Tarihi: 24.06.2004 - 00:59
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Mesajlar Ekleyen Tarih
 Lift The Veil
((( ... ))) 24.06.2004 - 00:59
 Lift The Veil
sabahmeltemi 24.06.2004 - 01:21
 Lift The Veil
((( ... ))) 24.06.2004 - 01:24
 Lift The Veil
sabahmeltemi 24.06.2004 - 01:35
Devadam 24.06.2004 - 07:35
 Lift The Veil
endulus 24.06.2004 - 13:23
 Lift The Veil
((( ... ))) 24.06.2004 - 16:03

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