Toplam Kategori: 69 *** Toplam Konu: 30100 *** Toplam Mesaj: 148193 |
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Bosnjak |
Kayıt Tarihi: 05.03.2025
En Son On:
Cinsiyeti: -----
Eselamu aleykum brothers and sisters! My name is Adnan and I´m brother from Bosnia, I live in Sweden at the moment because I´m studying here. I do not speak turkish but I like Turkey a lot, I know that my ancestors are Ottomans elhamdulillah. Is there anyone who could help me how to download these beautiful turkish illahis I would appreciate it a lot. Are there any other turkish pages with ilahis to download?
Write here or at my mail adress adnan1a@hotmail.com
Your brother in Islam Adnan!
Ekleme Tarihi: 23.05.2003 - 23:53 |
730 Mesaj -
Kayıt Tarihi: 28.12.2002
En Son On: 15.06.2010 - 16:47
Cinsiyeti: -----
aleykum selam
brother you can't at the moment nothing to download and the reason is that we are under construction in that spot. When wee are ready with construction then will i give you more information how you can download the ilahis.
stay with ALLAH brother selamun aleykum
Ekleme Tarihi: 25.05.2003 - 22:50 |
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