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Protest text to world !!!

164 Mesaj -

Kayıt Tarihi: 28.11.2003
En Son On: 09.05.2009 - 00:44
Cinsiyeti: Erkek 
protest text to world.
I strongly protest you for publishing the caricatures which include elements of insult toward Islam´s Prophet Muhammad and of scorn toward Islamic believes.

You Europeans, remember that you learnt many things about human dignity, conscience, justice, rights and freedom from Prophet Muhammad and Muslims who followed his way. By this attitude, you have proved that you do not have any respects toward any values that you claim to support.

One day, mankind will call your ancestors to account for their history of imperialism and massacre in the whole world, and will find out your fascist and dogmatic pagan face. Then, will you be able to defend your shameful actions?

The Qurâan tells us not to insult believes and sacred values of anyone. It also says, "Do not be enemies to anyone except the oppressors." And it calls us to work hard to act in a humanistic way.

Will you be able to understand the level of humanity in this call?

We refer you to God and to humanitys conscience

Bu mesaj 2 kez ve en son delikanli_51 tarafından 20.02.2006 - 14:47 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir.
Ekleme Tarihi: 20.02.2006 - 14:45
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